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Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution D Example 13 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 13 has a variety of constructs: an inline network group made up of two protected inline networks, an inline tool group, an inline tool series, an individual inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network group to the inline tool group, a rule-based map (portdst 80) from the inline network group to the i.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution C Example 12 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 12 has a single, unprotected inline network, two individual inline tools, a rule-based map (portdst 22) from the inline network to bypass, a rule-based map (portdst 80) from the inline network to the first inline tool, and a shared collector from the inline network to the second inline tool. Traffic that does not match t.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution B Example 11 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 11 has a single, unprotected inline network, a single inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network to bypass, and a shared collector from the inline network to the inline tool. Traffic on VLAN 100 will not be inspected by the inline tool, while the remaining traffic will be inspected by the inline too.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution A Example 10 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 10 has a single, unprotected inline network, a single inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network to the inline tool, and a shared collector from the inline network to bypass. Traffic on VLAN 100 will be inspected by the inline tool while the remaining traffic will not be inspected (will be bypassed).. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Network Group (Many-to-Many) Example 9 is an inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 for an inline network group. Example 9 expands upon Example 8 by adding a second inline tool. The inline networks are a mix of unprotected and protected.In addition, user-defined VLAN tags are added in Example 9 to guide traffic from the multiple inline networks in the inline network group.On GigaVUE-HC3, unprotected inline bypass can be conf.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Network Group (Many-to-One) Example 8 is an inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 for an inline network group. This is a many-to-one example with two inline networks and one inline tool. The inline networks are mix of protected and unprotected.On GigaVUE-HC3, unprotected inline bypass can be configured on any module on the node. Protected inline bypass can be configured on the bypass combo module on ports c1..c4.On GigaVUE.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Tool Series with Local Failover Action Example 7 is an inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 for an inline tool series. The failover action is specified for one of the inline tools (network-bypass), rather than for the series as a whole. Also the recovery mode is specified as manual.When the individual inline tool fails, traffic is dropped at the inline network ports. When the tool recovers and is ready to be put back into service, u.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Tool Series Example 6 is an inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 for an inline tool series. The inline network is unprotected. The order of the tools and inline tool groups in the tool list defines the order of the series. The map directs the traffic to the series, that is, to the first inline tool or inline tool group in the tool list. Example 6 includes two inline tools in the series and an inline tool g.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Inline Tool Group (N+1) Redundancy Example 5 is an inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 for an inline tool group with N+1 redundancy. In this example, N=2. The inline network is unprotected. Example 5 expands upon Example 3 by adding a spare to the inline tool group.StepDescriptionCommandConfigure inline network aliases, port type (inline-network), and administratively enable inline network ports.(config) # port 3/1/x1 alias iN1.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Protected Inline Bypass Using Bypass Combo Modules Example 4 is a protected inline bypass solution using bypass combo modules on GigaVUE-HC2. It also configures heartbeat and negative heartbeat profiles.Protected inline networks are based on the pairs of ports associated with the physical protection switches located on the bypass combo modules. Unlike the unprotected examples, you do not need to configure inline network ports because they are cr.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Inline Bypass with an Inline Tool Group Example 3 adds a second inline tool to the unprotected inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 in Example 1 and creates an inline tool group consisting of two tools. It also configures a custom heartbeat profile.StepDescriptionCommandConfigure inline network aliases, port type (inline-network), and administratively enable inline network ports.(config) # port 3/1/x1 alias iN1(config) # port iN1 typ.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Inline Bypass with Default Heartbeat Example 2 adds the default heartbeat profile to the unprotected inline bypass solution on GigaVUE-HC2 in Example 1.StepDescriptionCommandConfigure inline network aliases, port type (inline-network), and administratively enable inline network ports.(config) # port 3/1/x1 alias iN1(config) # port iN1 type inline-network(config) # port iN1 params admin enable(config) # port 3/1/x2 alias iN2(config).. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Inline Bypass Example 1: Unprotected Inline BypassOn GigaVUE-HC1, an unprotected inline bypass solution can be configured on the base module, with the inline networks and inline tools on ports 1/1/x1..x12 and1/1/g1..g4, or on the bypass combo module on ports x1..x4.StepDescriptionCommandConfigure inline network aliases, port type (inline-network), and administratively enable inline network ports.(config) # po.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon APF, ASF Sample AFP, ASF Samplegigamon-2c013c (config) # sh running-config##Running database "initial"Generated at 2019/12/23 05:23:44 +0000Software version on which this output was taken: GigaVUE-OS 5.7.01 142718 2019-09-23 23:20:06##Port level configurations##port 1/1/g1 type networkport 1/1/g2 type networkport 1/1/g3 type networkport 1/1/g4 type networkport 1/1/x1 type hybridport 1/1/x1 params admin enablepo.. 2021. 1. 17.
How To: Configure Out of band clustering on H seriesStep by step example for out of band clustering How To: Configure Out of band clustering on H seriesObjectiveHow to get going with Out of Band Clustering: In OOB clustering all the cluster control traffic uses eth0 or eth2 interface depending on the type of the node.If you have HD & HC devices then you can use either eth0 or eth2 as your cluster control interface (where the control traffic will bet exchange between the nodes)If you have low e.. 2021. 1. 17.
GigaSMART SSL Decryption for Out-of-Band Tools GigaVUE H Series nodes support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) decryption. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that adds security to TCP/IP communications such as Web browsing and email. The protocol allows the transmission of secure data between a server and client who both have the keys to decode the transmission and the certificates to verify trust between them. Out-of-band SSL decryption delivers dec.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Flexible Inline Single Tag Configuration Example 8—Flexible Inline Single Tag Configuration When you configure inline maps with single VLAN tag, the map rules must have the same VLAN tag as configured in the from parameter. The following is an example of a flexible inline single tag configuration. map alias map1_in1_100_11   type flexinline byRule   rule add pass ipver 4 vlan 100   from in1 vlan 100   a-to-b it1_extTool,itg1   b-to-a r.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Protected Flexible Inline, Out-of-Band Copy Example 7—Protected Flexible Inline, Out-of-Band Copy Example 7 demonstrates a flexible inline map with OOB copy configuration as follows: • an example of the source as a protected inline network and the destination as a hybrid port • an example of the source as a tool member in the a-to-b list and the destination as a regular tool port • an example of the source as a tool member in the a-to-b l.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Flexible Inline, Monitoring Mode Example 6—Unprotected Flexible Inline, Monitoring Mode Example 6 adds a traffic path of monitoring for one inline tool to Example 4. It has the same two inline networks, the same five inline tools, and the same maps, but the flexible traffic path on the second inline tool is set to monitoring. The monitoring mode is similar to bypass, but at the tool level. In a sequence of tools, you can select.. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Flexible Inline, Inline Tool Group Example 5—Unprotected Flexible Inline, Inline Tool Group Example 5 adds an inline tool group to Example 4. It has the same two inline networks and five inline tools, but now the third, fourth, and fifth tools (t1112, t1314, and t1516) are in an inline tool group. The maps have been modified to direct traffic to the inline tool group. For example, the inline tools can be Web Application Firewall .. 2021. 1. 17.
Gigamon Unprotected Flexible Inline, Rule-Based Map Example 4—Unprotected Flexible Inline, Rule-Based Map Example 4 adds a rule-based map to Example 2. It has the same two inline networks, the same five inline tools, but adds a rule-based map from the first inline network. In the rule-based map, two of the five tools are specified, sending traffic through those two tools, which are the second (t0910) and the fourth (t1314) tools in the sequence. .. 2021. 1. 17.