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Juniper SRX(방화벽) 패스워드 초기화 To resolve the issue, use the following procedure to recover the root password for SRX Branch devices running on Junos release versions 10.0R1, 10.0R2, and 10.1R1. This involves disabling watchdog functionality to allow the system to properly boot into single-user mode. Press the power button on the front panel to power on the router.  Verify that the POWER LED on the front panel turns green. Th.. 2024. 10. 24.
Juniper EX 스위치 패스워드 초기화 1.부팅시 스페이스 연타로 부트로더로 들어간다. 2. loader>boot -s     를 누르면 싱글유저 모드로 부팅 3. 부팅 중 아래와 같이 나오면 recovery 입력    Enter full path name of shell or 'recovery' for root password recovery or RETURN for /bin/sh:  recovery ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 패스워드 설정 안해도 되는 초기화법 1. 위의 3번에서 recovery 치지말고 그냥 엔터 2. mount -a     mkdir /config/temp     mv /conf.. 2024. 10. 24.
Juniper EX2200 이중화 Juniper EX2200 이중화root@sw1# show | display setset version 12.3R12.4set system host-name sw1set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$1$d0yTDOZ4$bLLpP/AQfwJFSjfGFBTjc/"set system services sshset system services web-management https system-generated-certificateset system syslog user * any emergencyset system syslog file messages any noticeset system syslog file messages authorization inf.. 2023. 5. 2.
Juniper Switch Virtual-Chassis (STACK) Juniper Switch Virtual-Chassis (STACK)https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/task/configuration/virtual-chassis-ex4200-cli.htmlhttps://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/task/configuration/virtual-chassis-ex2200-cli.html# set virtual-chassis member 0 mastership-priority 255# set virtual-chassis member 1 mastership-priority 200# set virtual-chassis member 2 role li.. 2023. 5. 2.
SRX IPSec Tunnel Sample SRX IPSec Tunnel Sampleroot@SRX_Test# show | display set | no-moreset version 15.1X49-D90.7set system host-name SRX_Testset system root-authentication encrypted-password "$5$ZZrR8Xx5$ZPpG6X5ugNL7s0dHqj.URP4v6YhfzLqkDk3TrtfWHh8"set system name-server system login user isd uid 2001set system login user isd class super-userset system login user isd authentication encrypted-password "$5$7.. 2023. 5. 2.
Juniper SRX Cluster configuration - Node 0     # set chassis cluster cluster-id 1 node 0 reboot - Node 1    # set chassis cluster cluster-id 1 node 1 reboot set groups node0 system host-name srx1500-1 set groups node0 interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address set groups node1 system host-name srx1500-2 set groups node1 interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address set groups node0 system backup-rout.. 2021. 8. 26.
Juniper SRX Policy-Based IPSec VPN set security ike proposal standard authentication-method pre-shared-keysset security ike policy IKE-POL mode mainset security ike policy IKE-POL proposals standardset security ike policy IKE-POL pre-shared-key ascii-text $ABC123set security ike gateway IKE-GW ike-policy IKE-POLset security ike gateway IKE-GW address security ike gateway IKE-GW external-interface ge-0/0/1set securi.. 2021. 8. 26.
Juniper SRX Routed-Based IPSec VPN set security ike proposal standard authentication-method pre-shared-keysset security ike policy IKE-POL mode mainset security ike policy IKE-POL proposals standardset security ike policy IKE-POL pre-shared-key ascii-text $ABC123set security ike gateway IKE-GW ike-policy IKE-POLset security ike gateway IKE-GW address security ike gateway IKE-GW external-interface ge-0/0/1set securi.. 2021. 8. 26.
Juniper RestAPI Sample et-0/0/0                            0                                                                                                                        fw_filter                                                                                                                        et-0/0/10                            0                                                                          .. 2021. 8. 6.
Juniper VRRP and Load Sharing https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/high-availability/topics/example/VRRP-qfx-series-load-sharing.html Example: Configuring VRRP for Load Sharing | High Availability User Guide | Juniper Networks TechLibraryThis example uses two VRRP groups, each of which has its own virtual IP address. Devices on the LAN use one of these virtual IP addresses as their default gateway. If o.. 2021. 6. 14.
여긴 어딜까요? 2021. 4. 14.
Juniper SRX request chassis cluster failover redundancy-group Juniper SRX request chassis cluster failover redundancy-groupdate_range22-Feb-21arrow_backward arrow_forwardSyntaxcontent_copy zoom_out_maprequest chassis cluster failover node node-number redundancy-group redundancy-group-numberDescriptionFor chassis cluster configurations, initiate manual failover in a redundancy group from one node to the other, which becomes the primary node, and automatical.. 2021. 4. 13.
Juniper show command (RSI : request support information) Juniper show command (RSI : request support information)request support information | no-morerequest support information | save RSI_20210208show system uptime no-forwardingshow version detail no-forwardingshow system core-dumps no-forwardingshow chassis alarms no-forwardingshow chassis hardware detail no-forwardingshow system processes extensive no-forwardingshow pfe statistics errorshow pfe sta.. 2021. 3. 29.
Juniper Troubleshooting Commands Juniper Troubleshooting CommandsManaging configurationconfigure exclusive – to prevent others modifying the while in configuration modestatus – show users currently logged incompare (filename | rollback n)#commit | display detail – debug commit#commit check#commit comment#commit confirmed#commit at [tt:mm | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm | reboot], to cancel:clear system [commit | reboot ] - to cancel schedul.. 2021. 3. 29.
Juniper request chassis cluster failover redundancy-group request chassis cluster failover redundancy-group request chassis cluster failover node node-number redundancy-group redundancy-group-number Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0. Description For chassis cluster configurations, initiate manual failover in a redundancy group from one node to the other, which becomes the primary node, and automatically reset the priority o.. 2021. 3. 16.
Juniper EX4200 VLAN Configuration Juniper EX4200 VLAN Configurationhttp://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/junos11.4/topics/task/configuration/bridging-vlans-ex-series-cli.htmlConfiguring VLANs for EX Series Switches (CLI Procedure)EX Series switches use VLANs to make logical groupings of network nodes with their own broadcast domains. VLANs limit the traffic flowing across the entire LAN and reduce collisions and packet retransmi.. 2021. 1. 25.
Juniper EX S/W Factory Reset Juniper EX S/W Factory Reset[edit]user@switch# load factory-default[edit]user@switch# run request system zeroize[edit]user@switch# delete system commit factory-settings[edit]user@switch# set system root-authentication plain-text-password[edit]user@switch# commitFirmware Upgraderoot@SW2# run request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4300-14.1X53-D45.3-domestic-signed.tgz rebootroot@SW2# ru.. 2021. 1. 25.
Juniper SRX 설정 방법 (CLI) SRX 설정 방법 (CLI)설정 확인(operation 모드)show configuration | display set | match “찾을 문자 또는 숫자”어드레스 추가(configure 모드)set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address 222_231_7_233 security zones security-zone trust address-book address 2_2_2_2어드레스 그룹 추가(configure 모드)set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address-set 222_231_7_233/222_231_7_234 a.. 2021. 1. 20.
Juniper OSPF & LACP SW#6(EX2300) Configuration Sample EX2300 OSPF SW#6 root@SW6# run show configuration | display set set version 18.2R3-S4.1 set groups phcd_user_script system scripts op allow-url-for-python set groups phcd_user_script system scripts language python set apply-groups phcd_user_script set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$6$3j/9mf6Z$Q7PfdiLhdbyl8p2NMZHzaJav3dW6N6QQ4AvYwobvDAfZpSh/seAisGmpHrj7uieu/a3mNSk5BJwi3976.79GX0".. 2021. 1. 11.
Juniper OSPF & LACP SW#5(EX4200) Configuration Sample EX4200 OSPF & LACP SW#5 root@SW5# run show configuration | display set set version 12.3R9.4 set system host-name SW5 set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$1$Qp95b1m6$tJ8VgCXGWXsD6sAZdt9HV1" set system login user isd uid 1001 set system login user isd class super-user set system login user isd authentication encrypted-password "$1$IF2vLXTr$w48niAOWvFxZ5xT/93Tg2/" set system services.. 2021. 1. 11.
Juniper OSPF & LACP SW#4(EX4200) Configuration Sample EX4200 OSPF & LACP SW#4 root@SW4# run show configuration | display set set version 12.3R9.4 set system host-name SW4 set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$1$yQEBAZvn$SM4sjpM10uofVrAQOXHWg0" set system login user isd uid 1001 set system login user isd class super-user set system login user isd authentication encrypted-password "$1$q9p/yZQ1$3AFSsQ1YZNxqAPtF2R3dy." set system services.. 2021. 1. 11.