[웹로그인유저 패스워드 복구방법]
(1) SSH접속
firemon@'s password:
Last login: Wed Aug 30 19:28:23 2017
This is FireMon FMOS 8.9.0
ALERT: Could not get system monitor status
For assistance, contact support@firemon.com
[firemon@firemon ~]$
(2)아래 명령어 실행
[firemon@firemon ~]$ sudo psql -U postgres firemon
firemon=# select * from users;
id | domainid | email | firstname | lastname | password | username | enabled | expired | locked | passwordexpired | lastlogin | prev
iouslogin | passwordchanged | authtype | authserverid | authfailures
2 | 1 | firemon@example.com | Workflow | Executor | $2a$06$DsG8KTZEarX65pl8aeZiEuQiFP3pXQ7Id/T461PW3Yt2KH5PkWvXa | workflow | t | f | f | f | |
| | | | 0
1 | 1 | firemon@example.com | FireMon | FireMon |$2a$10$WzkdgLahF10w26sWf.wl0OLGsljsOwUv3SgKU9BaSL.viZuLGHNZi | firemon | t | f | t | f | 2017-08-24 17:45:35.205 | 2017-08-0
8 17:20:48.173 | | LOCAL | | 5
3 | 1 | | ndexec | firemon | $2a$10$UN7Ucd07pCSQSn8CMBtbmeP9S47GqGp6eXM5PBco0NvVrmBfXWU.i | nd_firemon | t | f | f | f | 2017-08-30 19:45:45.188 | 2017-08-3
0 19:45:44.995 | | LOCAL | | 0
5 | 1 | sec.network.support@nicstech.com | nics | nicst | $2a$10$19R2htVQDDf.5jr4dRAcY.BEU59xaK.PKx0LxIw7wN5YZiifTaoBO | nicstech | t | f | f | f | 2017-08-30 19:32:33.971 |
| | LOCAL | | 0
4 | 1 | | datacollector | firemon | $2a$10$Q3OT80zHUetQWtH60pX7mOXS44A9t12MDZEjY38sF2IjAS2pLf./C | dc_firemon | t | f | f | f | 2017-08-30 19:45:42.796 | 2017-08-3
0 19:43:42.786 | | LOCAL | | 0
(5 rows)
firemon=# sudo psql -U postgres firemon
firemon=# update users set password='$2a$10$WzkdgLahF10w26sWf.wl0OLGsljsOwUv3SgKU9BaSL.viZuLGHNZi' where id=1;
firemon=# postgresql exit
firemon-# \q
[firemon@firemon ~]$
=>관련 문서
Forgot Password:
If a user forgets the password for the "firemon" account run this command to set it back to the default password; the word "firemon”:
sudo psql -U postgres firemon
update users set password='$2a$10$WzkdgLahF10w26sWf.wl0OLGsljsOwUv3SgKU9BaSL.viZuLGHNZi' where id=1;
#You can use this to change anyone's password to "firemon" you just need their id
postgresql exit
(2) firemon계정이 잠긴경우, 아래와 같이 수정
[firemon@firemon ~]$ sudo psql -U postgres firemon
firemon=# select * from users;
# locked=t인경우, 아래 명령어 실행 (t를 f로 변경)
firemon=# update users set locked=‘f' where id=1;
[기간만료 대비, 날짜 변경방법]
(1) firemon계정으로 로그인
(2) 아래 명령어 입력
sudo date -s ‘2017-8-28 00:00:00'
'업무이야기 > 정책관리솔루션' 카테고리의 다른 글
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Firemon SIQL (0) | 2017.08.08 |