
소요장비 :
- Gigamon HC2 1ea
- SSL VA 2ea
- WAF 2ea
- Switch 2ea

- Gigamon에 1회선 수용을 위해 상하단 Switch 구성
- SSL VA는 복호화 구간, 암호화 구간 각각 이중화(LB) 구성
- WAF 이중화(LB) 구성

### SSL VA PoC를 위해 지원한 Gigamon 설정값 ###

port 1/3/x1..x6,1/4/x1..x6,1/4/x17..x18 param admin enable
port 1/3/x1..x6,1/4/x1..x6 type inline-tool

inline-tool alias SSL-1-1
  pair tool-a 1/3/x1 and tool-b 1/3/x2
  shared true
inline-tool alias SSL-1-2
  pair tool-a 1/3/x3 and tool-b 1/3/x4
  shared true
inline-tool alias SSL-2-1
  pair tool-a 1/4/x1 and tool-b 1/4/x2
  shared true
inline-tool alias SSL-2-2
  pair tool-a 1/4/x3 and tool-b 1/4/x4
  shared true
inline-tool alias WAF-1
  pair tool-a 1/3/x5 and tool-b 1/3/x6
  shared true
inline-tool alias WAF-2
  pair tool-a 1/4/x5 and tool-b 1/4/x6
  shared true
inline-tool-group alias SSL-DEC-LB
  tool-list SSL-1-1,SSL-2-1
inline-tool-group alias SSL-ENC-LB
  tool-list SSL-1-2,SSL-2-2
inline-tool-group alias WAF-LB-1
  tool-list WAF-1,WAF-2
map alias iN5_HTTPS_VLAN501
  type flexinline byRule
  roles replace admin to owner_roles
  rule add pass portdst 443 protocol tcp bidir
  from default_inline_net_1_4_1
  b-to-a reverse
  tag 501
map alias iN5_HTTP_VLAN502
  type flexinline byRule
  roles replace admin to owner_roles
  rule add pass portdst 80 protocol tcp bidir
  from default_inline_net_1_4_1
  a-to-b WAF-LB-1
  b-to-a reverse
  tag 502
map alias iN5_Other_VLAN520
  type flexinline collector
  roles replace admin to owner_roles
  from default_inline_net_1_4_1
  a-to-b bypass
  b-to-a bypass
  tag 520
  inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_1 physical-bypass disable
  inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_1 traffic-path to-inline-tool
  inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_1 lfp enable


GigaVUE-FM에 등록된 Node의 비밀번호 변경 시 지금까지 변경 방법을 찾지 못해 고객사에 고정 계정을 권고해 왔다.
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장비 등록 후 등록된 장비의 비밀번호 변경 시 아래와 같이 "설정/Node Details" 변경될 장비 선택 후 "Actions/Edit"에서 변경된 사항을 수정 하면 된다.


To set up GRIP successfully, it is advised that you check the inline functions of each HC2 separately.


A. Set up Primary without GRIP
a. ensure secondary is wire only (i.e physical bypass = enable)
b. take primary out of bypass, configure all ports and forward inline traffic to inline tool

On secondary: inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass en

On primary:
port 1/1/x23..x24 params admin enable
port 1/1/x8..x9 type inline-tool
port 1/1/x8..x9 params ad en

inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 traffic-path to-inline-tool

inline-tool alias IT-01 pair tool-a 1/1/x8 and tool-b 1/1/x9
inline-tool alias IT-01 failover-action tool-bypass
inline-tool alias IT-01 enable
c. Forward traffic to the inline tool for inspection:
map-passall alias IL-to-tool-Grip
from default_inline_net_1_1_4
to IT-01

inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass disable

Confirm set up on primary using show port params and show port stats

B. Set up Secondary without GRIP
a. Set primary as wire only (i.e physical bypass = enable)
On primary: inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass en

On secondary:
port 1/1/x23..x24 params admin enable
inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 traffic-path to-inline-tool

port 1/1/x2..x3 type inline-tool
port 1/1/x2..x3 params ad en
inline-tool alias IT-02 pair tool-a 1/1/x2 and tool-b 1/1/x3
inline-tool alias IT-02 failover-action tool-bypass
inline-tool alias IT-02 enable

map-passall alias IL-to-tool-GripSecondary
from default_inline_net_1_1_4
to IT-02

inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass disable

Again, confirm configuration by using show port params and show port stats

C. Configure redundancy profiles and signal links.

i. Enable bypass on both
[primary] inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass en
[secondary] inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass en

ii. Configure GRIP Redundancy profiles and check signal link
Note: signal link on primary is 1/x7, on secondary, it is x4

port 1/1/x7 type stack
port 1/1/x7 params admin en

redundancy-profile alias RP-01
protection-role primary
signaling-port 1/1/x7

port 1/1/x4 type stack
port 1/1/x4 params admin en

redundancy-profile alias RP-02
protection-role secondary
signaling-port 1/1/x4

D. Turn off LFP, Assign Redundancy Profile (RP) to Inline Network ports on both chassis
no inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_4 lfp en
inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass disable
inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 redundancy-profile RP-01
no inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_4 lfp en
inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 physical-bypass disable
inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4 redundancy-profile RP-02
Once the redundancy profile has been applied, the physical bypass state is controlled by software

Commands for checking status;
show inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4
show port stats p 1/1/x23,1/1/x8,1/1/x9,1/1/x24
show port params p 1/1/x23,1/1/x8,1/1/x9,1/1/x24

show inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_1_4
show port params p 1/1/x23,1/1/x2,1/1/x3,1/1/x24
show port stats p 1/1/x23,1/1/x2,1/1/x3,1/1/x24

Note: Note that in this example, link fail propagation (LFP) is disabled to reduce inlinennetwork recovery time after failover.
When GRIP is deployed with high availability networks where a second path is present, it is a best practice to leave LFP enabled.






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