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How to Deploy and Manage FortiEndpoint | Endpoint Security 2024. 11. 8.
FortiGate FSSO 설정 # Windows Server 2016의 AD를 사용# FortiGate 200D v6.0.14build0457(GA) 사용# Security Fabric/Fabric Connectors# 사용자 또는 그룹을 선택# User & Device\User Group 추가# FortiGate Policy# Client OS에서 도메인을 통한 로그인 설정# FortiGate에서 도메인을 통한 로그인 확인# 정책 테스트 2022. 8. 10.
Fortinet FortiSandbox Shell mode FortiSandbox Shell modeThen in cli, run 'fnsysctl shell', login with 'fsa_support/Support@FSA1’cd /drive0/public/clean/20170623/04/2841/3404914715784600920sandbox-jobs-move -e3404914715784600920.metastrings 3404914715784600920.metatar -czvf kbbank.gz *cp kbbank.gz /web/static/https://FSA_IP/static/파일명reset-bulidnoPlease provide me more information as below ;Go to FortiView > File Scan Search and.. 2021. 1. 20.
Fortinet FortiSandbox Clustering Setting sample [FortiSandbox Clustering Setting]Step 1 - Configure the masterConfigure the port IP addresses and gateway address with the following commands:set port1-ip port2-ip port3-ip default-gw the device as the master node and its cluster fail-over IP for Port1 with the following commands:hc-settings -sc -tM -nMasterA -cTestHCs.. 2021. 1. 20.
Fortinet euc-kr 한글 지원 설정 Fortinet euc-kr 한글 지원 설정CLI>config system appearanceset fallback-charset EUC-KRendSpam Score 96 설정CLI>config antispam deepheader-analysisset confiddence 96.000000set greyscale-level 7end 2015. 12. 28.
Resetting a lost Fortigate Admin Password Resetting a lost Fortigate Admin Password If you have lost the admin password for a Fortigate you can reset it if you have physical access to the box.Connect the console cable to the Fortigate and fire up your favorite terminal emulatorReboot the firewall unit.At the console login prompt, type in "maintainer" as the userid.Type in bcpbFGTxxxxxxxxxxxxx as the password. xxxxxxxxxxxxxwill be the S/.. 2012. 11. 7.
FortiOS 5.0 Enhancement Summary 2012. 10. 23.
Introducing FortiOS 5.0 - More Security, More Control, More Intelligence 2012. 10. 23.
Fortigate IPS DoS Test용 configuration Sample # Fortigate IPS DoS configuration Sampleqvrexhqfw2 $ show ips DoS block_dosconfig ips DoS    edit "block_dos"            config anomaly                edit "tcp_syn_flood"                    set status enable                    set log enable                    set action block                    set threshold 10                next                edit "tcp_port_scan"                    set stat.. 2012. 10. 18.
Fortigate SSL VPN 설정 샘플 2012. 10. 18.