BlueCoat Packet Capture
admin> capture reset
admin> capture filter ip
admin> capture filter ?
[src-ip] = <arg> : Only capture packets on flow with specified source IPv4 address
[dst-ip] = <arg> : Only capture packets on flow with specified destination IPv4 address
[ip] = <arg> : Only capture packets on flow with specified IPv4 address
admin> cap
capture reset
capture stop
capture start
capture status
capture select
capture filter
capture filter6
admin> capture select 5
admin> capture start
Capture started
admin> capture stop
Waiting while capture files are being processed (0 secs elapsed)
Capture file available via scp
Linux/Mac: scp <user>@<appliance>:pcap_20170811101023_20170811101053.tar.gz pcap_20170811101023_20170811101053.tar.gz


Windows: pscp.exe -scp <user>@<appliance>:pcap_20170811101023_20170811101053.tar.gz pcap_20170811101023_20170811101053.tar.gz




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