1. Install Microsoft Windows VM package 
If the unit is not does not have Microsoft Windows VM package installed, they can be installed manually. 
To manually download the package: 
1. FSA-1000D, FSA-3000D, and FSA-VM models: 
Download the package from ftp://fsavm.fortinet.net/general/image/2.0.0/2015022118_vm.pkg.7z 
Users can also try or purchase, download and install extra Android, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 image 
packages. These packages can be downloaded from: 
Android: Download the package from ftp://fsavm.fortinet.net/images/v2.00/AndroidVM.pkg.7z 
Windows 8.1: Download the package from ftp://fsavm.fortinet.net/images/v2.00/WIN81VM.pkg.7z 
Windows 10:Download the package from ftp://fsavm.fortinet.net/images/v2.00/WIN10VM.pkg.7z 
MD5 File: Download the package from ftp://fsavm.fortinet.net/images/v2.00/md5.txt 
2. Put the package on a host that supports file copy with the SCP or FTP command. The FortiSandbox must be able 
to access the SCP or FTP server. 
3. In a console window, enter the following command string to download and install the package: 
fw-upgrade -v -s<SCP/FTP server IP address> -u<user name> -p<password> -t<ftp|scp> -f<file path> 
2. Install the Microsoft Office license file 
1. If the unit has no Office license file installed, download the Microsoft Office license file from the Fortinet 
Customer Service & Support portal. 
2. Log into the FortiSandbox and go to System > Dashboard . In the System Information widget, click the Upload 
License link next to Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Office License Upload page is displayed. Browse to the 
license file on the management computer and select the Submit button. The system will reboot. 
3. The Microsoft Office license must be activated against the Microsoft activation server. This is done automatically 
after a system reboot. To ensure the activation is successful, port3 must be able to access the Internet and the 
DNS servers should be able to resolve the Microsoft activation servers. 
3. Install Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 license files 
1. If user purchases Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 support, download the Windows license file from the Fortinet 
Customer Service & Support portal 
2. Log into FortiSandbox and go to System > Dashboard. In the System Information widget, click the Upload 
License link next to Windows VM field. The Microsoft VM License Upload page is displayed. Browse to the 
license file on the management computer and click the Submit button. The system will reboot. 
3. The Microsoft Windows license must be activated against the Microsoft activation server. This is done 
automatically after a system reboot. To ensure the activation is successful, port3 must be able to access the 
Internet and the DNS servers should be able to resolve the Microsoft activation servers. Network configurations for 


port3 can be configure on the Scan Policy > General page. 




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