반응형 slicing3 Packet Slicing https://www.gigamon.com/products/optimize-traffic/traffic-intelligence/gigasmart/packet-slicing.html Packet Slicing | GigaSMART | GigamonGigaSMART® Packet Slicing intelligently truncates packets while preserving the protocol headers required for network analysis.www.gigamon.comEliminate unneeded packet dataThe Packet Slicing feature of the GigaSMART® engine truncates packets while preserving the.. 2020. 6. 4. Advanced Flow Slicing https://www.gigamon.com/products/optimize-traffic/traffic-intelligence/gigasmart/advanced-flow-slicing.html Advanced Flow Slicing | GigaSMART | GigamonReduce traffic sent to tools with intelligent slicing.www.gigamon.comForward the First Set of Packets, then Slice or Drop the RestInspecting long data flows hogs bandwidth and causes unnecessary processing burden on tools. (A flow is HTTP session .. 2020. 6. 4. GigaSMART Packet Slicing GigaSMART Packet Slicing# port 1/1/x1 type network# port 1/1/x5 type tool# gsgroup alias GS51 port-list 1/5/e1# gsop alias sliceUDP_7 slicing protocol ump offset 7 port-list GS51# map alias slice_SNMP_example # use gsop sliceUDP_7 # rule add pass portsrc 161 bidir # from 1/1/x1 # to 1/1/x5 # exit# write memory 2019. 9. 23. 이전 1 다음 반응형