
요즘 Kali Linux를 설치하고 이것 저것 공부중이다.
두서 없이 CLI 샘플을 정리해 보려고 한다.


$ sudo apt install -y fonts-nanum
$ sudo apt install -y kali-root-login
# apt install -y im-config
# apt install -y fcitx
# apt install -y fcitx-hangul
# fcitx

Windows WSL Kali 설치 GUI 설치
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y kali-win-kex
To start Win-KeX in Window mode with sound support, run either:
> Inside of Kali WSL: kex --win -s
> On Window’s command prompt: wsl -d kali-linux kex --win -s

# Kali GUI 실행 한글 입력 자동 실행
$ vi .bashrc
아래 내용 추가
# from here hangul input
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export GTX_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export DefaultIMModule=fcitx
fcitx-autostart &>/dev/null
# hangul input
<참조 : https://superroot.tistory.com/371 >

nmap -n -vv -sn -oG - | grep -i "up"
nmap -p T:80,7100-7102
nmap -D RND:5 -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org
nmap -sP -PS scanme.nmap.org --disable-arp-ping
nmap -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org -sT
nmap -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org -sS
nmap -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org -sA
nmap -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org {-sF|-sN|-sX}
nmap -p22,80,113,139 scanme.nmap.org -sU
nmap --script=http-title

# Kali CIFS Mount
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=abc // /home/it
# Kali (WSL) CIFS Mount
sudo mount -t drvfs -o user=abc // /home/it

System Date & Time Setting
$ timedatectl
$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Seoul
$ sudo rm -rf /etc/localtime
$ ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul /etc/localtime

인증서 확인 명령어
openssl s_client -connect sbpaek.tistory.com:443
openssl s_client -connect sbpaek.tistory.com:443 -tls1_2

nping scanme.nmap.org
nping --tcp -p 80 --flags rst --ttl 2
nping --icmp --icmp-type time --delay 500ms
nping --echo-server "public" -e wlan0 -vvv
nping --echo-client "public" echo.nmap.org --tcp -p1-1024 --flags ack

$ fping -a -g

$ sudo masscan -p445

$ sudo nc -l -p 1234

$ sudo nc -n -v -z -w 1 1-1023                                                                                              
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 892 (?) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 662 (?) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 631 (ipp) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 548 (afpovertcp) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 515 (printer) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 445 (microsoft-ds) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 443 (https) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 139 (netbios-ssn) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 111 (sunrpc) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 80 (http) open
(UNKNOWN) [192.168. 1.75 ] 22 (ssh) : Connection timed out


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