'업무이야기 > Security' 카테고리의 다른 글
Juniper SRX(방화벽) 패스워드 초기화 (5) | 2024.10.24 |
DeepFinder (웹방화벽) (6) | 2024.10.23 |
FortiGate SIP Debug (1) | 2023.05.02 |
SRX IPSec Tunnel Sample (0) | 2023.05.02 |
AhnLab Network Solutions (0) | 2022.11.21 |
Juniper SRX(방화벽) 패스워드 초기화 (5) | 2024.10.24 |
DeepFinder (웹방화벽) (6) | 2024.10.23 |
FortiGate SIP Debug (1) | 2023.05.02 |
SRX IPSec Tunnel Sample (0) | 2023.05.02 |
AhnLab Network Solutions (0) | 2022.11.21 |
To resolve the issue, use the following procedure to recover the root password for SRX Branch devices running on Junos release versions 10.0R1, 10.0R2, and 10.1R1. This involves disabling watchdog functionality to allow the system to properly boot into single-user mode.
Press the power button on the front panel to power on the router. Verify that the POWER LED on the front panel turns green. The console should continuously display the boot message.
When the prompt appears, press the spacebar to access the router’s bootstrap loader and type these commands:
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt.
Booting [kernel] in 9 seconds...
Loader> watchdog disable
Loader> boot –s
The firewall starts up in single-user mode. In single-user mode, a multiuser operating system such as Junos boots into a single superuser. Single-use mode is mainly used for maintenance of multi-user environments such as network servers.
At the prompt, enter " recovery " to start the root password recovery procedure.
System watchdog timer disabled
Enter full pathname of shell or 'recovery' for root password recovery or RETURN for /bin/sh: recovery
The device directly enters operational mode without asking for an user ID or password..
Starting CLI ...
root@host> edit
When in configuration mode, set the root password.
root@host# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
On pressing the return key, type in the new root password. Reenter the new root password when the second prompt appears.
New password: juniper1
Retype new password: juniper1
Commit the changes.
root@host# commit
commit complete
Reboot the device again.
root@host# run request system reboot
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes
The boot messages display on the console.
Press the spacebar one time, to access the router’s bootstrap loader prompt. This sequence appears on the console:
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt.
Booting [kernel] in 9 seconds...
Loader> watchdog enable
Loader> boot
The device reboots again and this time it asks for an user ID and password. Enter the newly configured password.
Wed Jun 16 14:20:21 UTC 2010
Amnesiac (ttyu0)
login: root
Password: juniper1
For more information, refer to PR499745 .
Modification History
2019-08-28: Article reviewed for accuracy. Only applicable on the specific versions
request system zeroize 공장초기화
set system root-authentication plain-text-password
show system chassis ,, J 대문자 Juniper
set chassis cluster disable reboot 이중화 종료
delete interfaces vlan unit 0 family inet address
root# show | display set
request system power-off at now 시스템 종료
How to Deploy and Manage FortiEndpoint | Endpoint Security (7) | 2024.11.08 |
DeepFinder (웹방화벽) (6) | 2024.10.23 |
FortiGate SIP Debug (1) | 2023.05.02 |
SRX IPSec Tunnel Sample (0) | 2023.05.02 |
AhnLab Network Solutions (0) | 2022.11.21 |
DeepFinder (웹방화벽) (6) | 2024.10.23 |
FortiGate SIP Debug (1) | 2023.05.02 |
AhnLab Network Solutions (0) | 2022.11.21 |
FortiGate FSSO 설정 (0) | 2022.08.10 |
Juniper SRX Cluster configuration (2) | 2021.08.26 |
[SSL VPN] Configuration
AxGate# show running-config
aos v2.1-x86(2.5-r28000)
hostname AxGate
username change password duration 60
username axroot privilege 15 password 5 8.ktW$kkQKSeYoc1JbA0nWqfQhiLhGIYulzXSPkjZ86cLUZ96
clock timezone KST 9
config sync manual
config sync group ip service time target
config sync signature
config sync parameters
config sync aip
config sync arp-sniff
config sync policy userauth security nat
config sync admin network
config sync l2-tunnel
config full-sync exclude ha
config full-sync exclude hostname
config full-sync exclude full-sync
config full-sync exclude sync
config full-sync exclude vrrp
healthcheck threshold 600
security zone dmz
security zone ssl
security zone trust
security zone untrust
security zone any
console kernel off
memory system severity informational
memory audit
memory session
memory application
memory ipsec
memory anti-ddos
memory ips
memory anti-spam
memory anti-virus
memory sslvpn
memory userauth
file option size 50 alert 7 purge 5
file system audit session application ipsec anti-ddos ips anti-spam anti-virus sslvpn userauth
statistics log at 01:00:00
option top count 10
language html korean
arp max-entries 8192
ip domain-lookup timeout 1 retry 1
ip dhcp server lease-check icmp svpn0
ip dhcp pool ssl
lease 1 0 0
ipv6 neighbor max-entries 1024
ip igmp max-memberships 20
interface lo
ip address
interface eth0-0
ip address
security-zone untrust
no shutdown
interface eth0-1
ip address
security-zone trust
no shutdown
interface eth0-2
interface eth0-3
interface eth0-4
interface eth0-5
interface eth0-6
interface eth0-7
interface eth0-8
interface eth0-9
interface bond0
bonding mode balance-rr
bonding link-check miimon 1
interface svpn0
mtu 1426
sslvpn heartbeat interval 500 threshold 10
sslvpn proto tcp port 7900 queue 16384
sslvpn key 1q2w3e
sslvpn algorithm aes128 aes128
sslvpn source eth0-0
ip address
security-zone ssl
no shutdown
ip route
ip route
security parameters
no offloading
session-timeout generic 1800
session-timeout icmp 10
session-timeout tcp 3600
session-timeout udp 60
state-timeout tcp syn-sent 120
state-timeout tcp syn-recv 60
state-timeout tcp no3way-est 60
state-timeout tcp fin-wait 120
state-timeout tcp close-wait 60
state-timeout tcp last-ack 30
state-timeout tcp time-wait 120
state-timeout tcp reset 3
session-limit 4500002
logging firewall
logging ha session-synced
logging security-policy expired
logging nat-policy expired
logging ipsec
logging ips
logging anti-ddos
logging anti-spam
logging anti-virus
logging application
logging sslvpn
logging userauth
accounting firewall
accounting ips
accounting anti-ddos
accounting anti-spam
accounting anti-virus
accounting ipsec
accounting application
top-statistics update-time 10
top-statistics topn-count 10
qos priority queue length 10
qos priority queue restore-time 10000
qos priority queue host-lifetime 60
nat entry-limit 5000
reference update-time 600
security signature timeout connection 10 transaction 60
security signature retry connection 3
security signature code 20
update-period 600
service group acmsoda
proto tcp sport any dport eq 6969
service group ats
proto tcp sport any dport eq 2201
service group avt-profile
proto tcp sport any dport eq 5004
service group bgp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 179
service group blp2
proto tcp sport any dport eq 8195
service group bootpc
proto udp sport any dport eq 68
service group bootps
proto udp sport any dport eq 67
service group dcube(default)
proto esp
proto udp sport any dport eq 7900
service group dhcpv6-server
proto tcp sport any dport eq 547
service group dns
proto tcp sport any dport eq 53
proto udp sport any dport eq 53
service group fodms
proto udp sport any dport eq 7200
service group ftp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 21
service group ftps
proto tcp sport any dport eq 990
service group h263-video
proto tcp sport any dport eq 2979
service group h323gatedisc
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1718
service group h323gatestat
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1719
service group h323hostcall
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1720
service group h323hostcallsc
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1300
service group hostmon
proto udp sport any dport eq 5355
service group hpvipgrp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 5223
service group http
proto tcp sport any dport eq 80
service group https
proto tcp sport any dport eq 443
service group ike
proto udp sport any dport eq 500
service group imap
proto tcp sport any dport eq 143
proto tcp sport any dport eq 993
service group imaps
proto tcp sport any dport eq 993
service group kerberos
proto tcp sport any dport eq 88
service group kerberos_v5
proto tcp sport any dport eq 464
service group l2tp
proto udp sport any dport eq 1701
service group ldap
proto tcp sport any dport eq 389
service group ldaps
proto tcp sport any dport eq 636
service group mdns
proto udp sport any dport eq 5353
service group mevent
proto tcp sport any dport eq 7900
service group microsoft-ds
proto tcp sport any dport eq 445
service group mindprintf
proto tcp sport any dport eq 8033
service group mms
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1755
proto udp sport any dport eq 1755
service group ms-sql
proto udp sport any dport eq 1434
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1433
service group ms-sql-m
proto udp sport any dport eq 1434
service group ms-sql-s
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1433
service group mysql
proto tcp sport any dport eq 3306
service group netbios
proto udp sport any dport multi 137 138 139
service group netbios-dgm
proto udp sport any dport eq 138
service group netbios-ns
proto udp sport any dport eq 137
service group netbios-ssn
proto udp sport any dport eq 139
service group ntp
proto udp sport any dport eq 123
service group oracle
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1521
service group oracle-em2
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1754
service group oracle-vp1
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1809
service group oracle-vp2
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1808
service group pharos
proto tcp sport any dport eq 4443
service group pop3
proto tcp sport any dport eq 110
proto tcp sport any dport eq 995
service group pptp
proto udp sport any dport eq 1723
service group proshare-mc-2
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1674
service group radius-account
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1813
service group radius-auth
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1812
service group regacy_radius
proto tcp sport any dport multi 1645 1646
service group rsync
proto tcp sport any dport eq 873
service group rtsp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 554
service group sabams
proto tcp sport any dport eq 2760
service group sftp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 115
service group smtp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 25
service group smtps
proto tcp sport any dport eq 465
service group snapp
proto tcp sport any dport eq 2333
service group snmp
proto udp sport any dport eq 161
service group snmptrap
proto udp sport any dport eq 162
service group ssdp
proto udp sport any dport eq 1900
service group ssh
proto tcp sport any dport eq 22
service group stun
proto udp sport any dport eq 3478
service group syslog
proto udp sport any dport eq 514
service group tcslap
proto tcp sport any dport eq 2869
service group telnet
proto tcp sport any dport eq 23
service group teradataordbms
proto tcp sport any dport eq 8002
service group teredo
proto udp sport any dport eq 3544
service group tftp-mcast
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1758
service group unicall
proto tcp sport any dport eq 4343
service group vcom-tunnel
proto tcp sport any dport eq 8001
service group webcache
proto tcp sport any dport eq 8080
service group www
proto tcp sport any dport eq 80
proto tcp sport any dport eq 443
service group www-ldap-gw
proto tcp sport any dport eq 1760
service group x11-ssh-offset
proto tcp sport any dport eq 6010
service group xmpp-client
proto tcp sport any dport eq 5222
password policy admin
length 9 16
character-count upper 1 lower 1 digit 1 special 1
impossible sequential-count asc 3 same 3 qwerty-right 3
impossible contain-word id password 6
password policy user
length 9 16
character-count english 1 digit 1 special 1
userauth http port 10444 secure-port 10443
userauth http-install port 4443
userauth factor ip
userauth expire-timeout 24 expire-update delete-timeout 65535 connection-timeout 1
userauth max-connections 1000
userauth server priority local
userauth username mskang password 5 bJoq0$vdlEf8FVv1CqhdC3eFev.L0z0f/dAVUgCrhy3tyrFG7
userauth username test01 password 5 bJo35$EflVN/ufphqDzV8ZS498mrMv93yI9GSE2Vy6AjBJTd5
userauth username test02 password 5 4DmRC$d9M.Cb93m.JZWBFX6mcfuB9wEMJAbFCZiY/w0TzcD8C
userauth group special
userauth group special username mskang
userauth group special username test01
userauth group special username test02
application http option url-cache 10000
ip userauth policy from ssl to trust 1
source any
destination any
action authenticate
ip userauth policy from ssl to untrust 1
source any
destination any
action authenticate
security policy index 3
ip security policy from ssl to trust 10 id 1
source any
destination any
action pass log
ip security policy from ssl to untrust 10 id 3
source any
destination any
tcp-mss 1300
action pass log
vrrp vmac disable
line vty
exec-timeout 10 0
telnet port 2333
ssh port 2222
http secure-port 4433
login server request-condition auth-fail
login server priority local
login server privilege default monitor
Fortinet FortiSandbox Clustering Setting sample (0) | 2021.01.20 |
Juniper SRX 설정 방법 (CLI) (0) | 2021.01.20 |
Juniper Firewall Transparent mode config (Example) (0) | 2018.05.08 |
SRX Syslog config (0) | 2018.05.08 |
Palo Alto Firewall Appliance PA-VM - Useful Commands (0) | 2018.05.08 |
Juniper SRX 설정 방법 (CLI) (0) | 2021.01.20 |
Axgate [SSL VPN] Configuration (6) | 2021.01.17 |
SRX Syslog config (0) | 2018.05.08 |
Palo Alto Firewall Appliance PA-VM - Useful Commands (0) | 2018.05.08 |
FortiGate FGSP (0) | 2018.05.08 |
Juniper Firewall Transparent mode config (Example) (0) | 2018.05.08 |
SRX Syslog config (0) | 2018.05.08 |
FortiGate FGSP (0) | 2018.05.08 |
FortiAnalyzer CLI (0) | 2018.05.08 |
fortigate File reached uncompressed size limit (0) | 2018.05.08 |
Resetting a lost Fortigate Admin Password (1) | 2012.11.07 |
FortiOS 5.0 Enhancement Summary (0) | 2012.10.23 |
WEBFRONT SSH PORT 변경 (0) | 2012.10.18 |
Setting up a Policy-Based VPN Tunnel (0) | 2012.10.18 |
Fortigate IPS DoS Test용 configuration Sample (0) | 2012.10.18 |
Problem or Goal:
set address v1-trust lan-A
set address v1-untrust lan-B
set ike gateway toB address main outgoing-zone v1-untrust preshare netscreen sec-level standard
set vpn toB gateway toB sec-level standard
set policy id 1000 from v1-trust to v1-untrust lan-A lan-B any tunnel vpn toB
set policy id 1001 from v1-untrust to v1-trust lan-B lan-A any tunnel vpn toB pair-policy 1000
set route gateway
set address v1-trust lan-B
set address v1-trust lan-A
set ike gateway toA address main outgoing-zone v1-untrust preshare netscreen sec-level standard
set vpn toA gateway toA sec-level standard
Enter following and click OK
set policy id 1000 from v1-trust to v1-untrust lan-B lan-A any tunnel vpn toA
set policy id 1001 from v1-untrust to v1-trust lan-A lan-B any tunnel vpn toA pair-policy 1000
set route gateway
ScreenOS 5.4: http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/screenos/screenos5.4.0/CE_v5.pdfChapter 4 -- Site-to-Site Virtual Private Networks
“Transparent Mode VPN” Example
Related Links:
Juniper SRX Firewall Password Recovery (0) | 2012.03.21 |
Juniper 인터넷 2회선을 이용한 Load Balancing (0) | 2012.02.21 |
Juniper Firewall ALG (0) | 2012.02.20 |
Juniper Firewall DHCP Server Configuration (0) | 2012.01.27 |
LG SafeZone IPS 2400 뒷면..... (0) | 2012.01.26 |