반응형 Flow7 Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution D Example 13 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 13 has a variety of constructs: an inline network group made up of two protected inline networks, an inline tool group, an inline tool series, an individual inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network group to the inline tool group, a rule-based map (portdst 80) from the inline network group to the i.. 2021. 1. 17. Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution C Example 12 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 12 has a single, unprotected inline network, two individual inline tools, a rule-based map (portdst 22) from the inline network to bypass, a rule-based map (portdst 80) from the inline network to the first inline tool, and a shared collector from the inline network to the second inline tool. Traffic that does not match t.. 2021. 1. 17. Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution B Example 11 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 11 has a single, unprotected inline network, a single inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network to bypass, and a shared collector from the inline network to the inline tool. Traffic on VLAN 100 will not be inspected by the inline tool, while the remaining traffic will be inspected by the inline too.. 2021. 1. 17. Gigamon Inline Flow Mapping Based Solution A Example 10 is an inline flow mapping based solution on GigaVUE-HC2. Example 10 has a single, unprotected inline network, a single inline tool, a rule-based map (VLAN 100) from the inline network to the inline tool, and a shared collector from the inline network to bypass. Traffic on VLAN 100 will be inspected by the inline tool while the remaining traffic will not be inspected (will be bypassed).. 2021. 1. 17. FlowVUE Flow Sampling https://www.gigamon.com/products/optimize-traffic/subscriber-intelligence/flowvue-subscriber-awareness.html Subscriber-Aware Flow Management | FlowVUE | GigaSMART | GigamonGigaSMART® FlowVUE® provides subscriber IP-based flow sampling, which provides a representative view of traffic for diagnostic coverage.www.gigamon.comCarriers: make big data manageableThe FlowVUE® feature is a licensable addi.. 2020. 6. 4. Advanced Flow Slicing https://www.gigamon.com/products/optimize-traffic/traffic-intelligence/gigasmart/advanced-flow-slicing.html Advanced Flow Slicing | GigaSMART | GigamonReduce traffic sent to tools with intelligent slicing.www.gigamon.comForward the First Set of Packets, then Slice or Drop the RestInspecting long data flows hogs bandwidth and causes unnecessary processing burden on tools. (A flow is HTTP session .. 2020. 6. 4. FortiSandbox Flow FortiSandbox Flow Static Scan:- Rule matched : Suspicious(High/Medium/Low) -> End- Rule did not match : Clean -> Goto AV Scan AV Scan:- Signature matched : Malicious -> End- Signature did not match : Clean -> Goto Cloud Query Cloud Query:- Hash matched with Suspicious : Suspicious(High/Medium/Low) -> End- Hash matched with Clean : Clean -> End- Hash did not match : Clean -> End(if not supporting.. 2017. 8. 8. 이전 1 다음 반응형